Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-16 17:07

即将搬到Grande Prairie,请问各位大虾那个区的房子比较好??

本人在Calgary 住了三年,因为老公工作原因即将搬到Grande Prairie,想在那买房子,请各位大虾给点意见,还有我是美发师,在深圳工作了三年,在卡加利工作了两年,请问过去工作好找吗?如果我在家帮人剪头发会有人过来吗?先谢谢各位!!

suvescape 发表于 2009-6-16 18:09

哪个地方? 更加鸟不拉si.

文学city 发表于 2009-6-17 17:46


Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-17 18:39

谢谢各位的答复,我是想租的话也要给钱,现在利率不是比较低嘛,那还不如买算了,因为我老公在那还挺稳定的,如果没特别的情况也就不会搬了。我也不知道那里中国人多不多,工作好不好找。。。 郁闷中。。。

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-18 21:14

You are welcome! It would be wonderful to meet more Chinese friends here.

Of course we would like to go to your home and get our hair cut if you are good at it, and the price is right. How much you ask for a woman and how much for a man?

Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-19 10:38

能遇到中国人总是感觉有依靠一点{:1_122:}我在Calgary 也是在唐人街的发廊上班,我现在还没过去呢,要在家里剪头发我要先买房子,然后比较方便人家找到吧,现在我不知道那个区华人多一点,方便一点。如果我找到房子开张了,价格肯定会比店里优惠多了。。。

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-19 11:37

Sorry I can not type Chinese on my computer.
Grande Prairie is much smaller than Calgary, so it is very convinent to go everywhere.
There are not many Chinese people here. I live in Countryside South.
I know friends who lives in these area , and some lives in patterson area as well.
I will ask my husand and then tell you which areas are better. I feel countryside south is one of the good areas.

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-19 11:53

1# Gingercappucino

My husband said there is a very beautiful house in Crystal lake area, about $600000,
Not sure what kind of house you are looking for, like price range.

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-19 11:57

crystal lake is a very nice area, it is NE part of the city.
My place is SE part of the city.

Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-19 14:27

谢谢楼上的消息,没关系我能看明白英文,我们打算买的房子是20-30万,你说的那个房子对我们来说太贵,而且我家现在就我和我老公,也没必要要太大的房子,我们周末会去Grande Prairie 看房子,两个在SE,在84Ave 和68Ave之间的区,还有两个是在NE,也有Downtown 的,看了以后就决定到底买哪个。。。。。

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-20 06:32

That is good.
两个在SE,在84Ave 和68Ave之间的区, sounds really good.

Good luck!

I will go to Calgary this weekend for a week and come back to G.P.

sisi100 发表于 2009-6-20 08:29

本帖最后由 sisi100 于 2009-6-20 09:41 编辑

If you want to contact me, give me your email.

Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-22 01:35

我周末也去GP了,已经买了房子,靠近100St NE 那里。下个月5号左右会搬吧!你有空给我联系

sofia 发表于 2009-6-24 19:18


Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-25 12:23


sofia 发表于 2009-6-28 13:09


Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-28 20:50

16# sofia


sofia 发表于 2009-6-30 17:20


Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-6-30 20:30


sisi100 发表于 2009-7-13 20:16

When will you start the hair cut? I contacted you, but couldn't reach you.

Gingercappucino 发表于 2009-7-15 19:59

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