newelec 发表于 2014-2-18 19:54



billzhao 发表于 2014-2-18 22:15


linazhang 发表于 2014-2-19 08:45


newelec 发表于 2014-2-19 17:44

schwa就是倒着的e那个音。   单词重音前面的syllable就发schwa。 比如,organization的ni可以发成这个音,其他的自己举一反三

billzhao 发表于 2014-2-19 21:35

谢谢lele的分享, 不过lele过于言简意赅,不是很明白,于是查了查。下面是查到的内容

In linguistics, specifically phonetics and phonology, schwa (sometimes spelled shwa) refers to the mid-central vowel sound (rounded or unrounded) in the middle of the vowel chart, denoted by the IPA symbol ə, or another vowel sound close to that position. An example in English is the vowel sound in the second syllable of the word sofa. Schwa in English is mainly found in unstressed positions, but in some other languages it occurs more frequently as a stressed vowel.

In English, schwa is the most common vowel sound. It is a reduced vowel in many unstressed syllables, especially if syllabic consonants are not used. Depending on dialect, it may correspond to any of the following written letters:
'a', as in about [əˈbaʊt]
'e', as in taken [ˈtʰeɪkən]
'i', as in pencil [ˈpʰɛnsəl]
'o', as in eloquent [ˈɛləkʰwənt]
'u', as in supply
'y', as in sibyl [ˈsɪbəl]
various combinations of letters, such as 'ai' in mountain [ˈmaʊntən]
unwritten as in rhythm [ˈrɪeəm]

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