竹声 发表于 2014-8-5 15:00

英语学习者的七个坏习惯 - 之四

本帖最后由 竹声 于 2014-8-5 16:33 编辑

Seven Bad Habits - 4 Seeking Shortcuts

" Conquer English in a month! "
" Achieve fluency in three weeks!"
" Acquire10,000 words in 21 days!"

These are the ads we see everyday in China.Why do people still believe them?Because they want to getquick results without putting in time and efforts.

It is sad that a large number of English training schools in China, including some famous ones, are still trying to sway people to believesuch quick and easy success. Of course, what the schools want is to get money out of those dummies' pockets.

To be continued ...
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