edmontondown 发表于 2014-9-20 15:39



If you are receiving this email you have signed up for the ESL classes or have shown interest in the ESL classes offered at Celebration Church.Can you please confirm your attendance by emailing mikala@ualberta.ca

English as a Second Language (ESL)
Want to improve your English?
Celebration Church offers a free English as a Second Language (ESL) course each week. Our ESL course is also open to people with an intermediate level of English ability.
When: Starts again September 21, 2014
Date & Time: Sundays from 10:00-11:30 am
Where: East Boardroom
Duration: 10 weeks
NOTE: The fall semester of ESL will skip Oct. 12 and Nov. 9 due to holiday weekends but still be 10 weeks in total ending on Dec. 7

There is free childcare through the Churches Sunday schooling programs

There is free bus pick up and drop off service by the Church for the UofA and surrounding area.For more information check out the weblink http://celebrationedmonton.com/about-us/bus-schedule

There are two Sunday morning Church services if you want to attend. 10:00 and 12:00.

To learn more about Celebration Church and other courses offered visit the website @

Celebration Church
7215 - Argyll Road
Edmonton, AB
T6C 4J2
(780) 424-8724

If you have any further questions contact me at mikala@ualberta.ca

Mikala Smith
Celebration Churches ESL instructor

smart007 发表于 2014-9-22 21:15

where to pick up?

xuda 发表于 2014-9-22 21:39

I'd like to know more about this church.

裁缝Shi 发表于 2014-9-28 21:53


2010tiger 发表于 2014-10-13 10:59

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 英语课开始了,有校车接送,有daycare