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鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2005-11-7 08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051 ... W9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl" D( r  b9 o: Z3 A0 L- ~9 v5 G' t
7 Q$ K% H) D# X$ h2 u8 Z
Rioting Spreads to 300 Towns in France ! Z) m0 M  y% |# V0 \2 m
' ?" P7 o) k4 X( @AP - 30 minutes ago! O  N3 A, D* o! s

1 w! H3 Z; g2 P% D$ HPARIS - Rioting by French youths spread to 300 towns overnight and a man hurt in the violence died of his wounds, the first fatality in 11 days of unrest that has shocked the country, police said Monday. As urban unrest spread to neighboring Belgium and possibly Germany, the French government faced growing criticism for its inability to stop the violence, despite massive police deployment and continued calls for calm.
+ O- [4 m- B4 T+ F, [$ ?* z; f4 d5 R1 q- F
巴黎- 周一时候,据警察报,法国青年暴乱一夜间扩展到300个城镇,一个在暴力中受伤的男人不幸死亡,作为这动荡的11天中的第一桩死亡事件,整个国家为此震惊。城市动荡蔓延至邻国比利时,德国也存在危机的可能性,尽管法国政府派出大量警力,并且呼吁安定,还是因为治暴不利面对越来越多的批评
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-7 10:06 | 显示全部楼层
On Sunday night, vandals burned more than 1,400 vehicles, and clashes around the country left 36 police injured, setting a new high for overnight arson and violence since rioting started last month, national police chief Michel Gaudin told a news conference.8 A, e" O) {2 m1 z- g/ L
% s# l8 _* I  K
国家首席警官在新闻发布会上发言说,周日晚上,破坏者焚烧了1400多辆车辆,全国各地的冲突造成36名警官受伤,把从上月开始的夜间纵火和暴力推向了一个新的高峰。; i8 W1 X, s2 d, k6 W
8 W3 H+ [: ~' `/ i7 A$ |
Australia, Austria, Britain, Germany and Hungary advised their citizens to exercise care in France, joining the United States and Russia in warning tourists to stay away from violence-hit areas.
* r0 |9 J) I5 b# j. F8 y; B
% C& T0 L5 J0 y/ _. ?- w# g澳大利亚,奥地利,英国,德国和匈牙利,建议在法国的本国国民多加小心,美国,俄国也随后警告在法国旅游的本国国民远离暴力袭击的地区  O  U. x& U5 v& w& W$ [
& B; E0 g* Y: U9 d2 c! g
Alain Rahmouni, a national police spokesman, said the man who was beaten died at a hospital from injuries sustained in the attack, but he had no immediate details of the victim's age or his attacker." Y3 G* E2 G7 p9 [
) W3 Q# L$ b5 S3 P
国家警署发言人Alain Rahmouni说道,一名在袭击中被持续殴打受伤的男子在医院死亡,但是他说他没有这名男子和袭击人的任何信息# [2 u; |1 d* Q/ {, v5 |  S2 E# R
; h/ C; z3 h* r
The man was caught by surprise by an attacker after rushing out of his apartment building to put out a trash can fire, Rahmouni said.
+ H+ y) y2 ]& N" g$ z' W
) P' U' m9 a. q. l+ d  cRahmouni还说,这名男子当时冲出自己的公寓去扑灭垃圾桶,却毫无防备的被袭击者抓住殴打" ?, p: E$ E+ }
& Q/ f2 m5 H2 F6 i
Apparent copycat attacks spread outside France for the first time, with five cars torched outside Brussels' main train station, police in the Belgian capital said.* c" t1 \6 g, j  ]
) [% R! D. f2 K, {9 D
比利时首都的一名警官说,表面上相同的攻击第一次蔓延到法国以外,布鲁塞尔主要火车站外面,五辆汽车被烧毁。$ |: J8 N# g5 T, p# J6 B: X

* g) Q* p: \) z6 y- cThe mayhem started as an outburst of anger in suburban Paris housing projects and has fanned out nationwide among disaffected youths, mostly of Muslim or African origin, to become France's worst civil unrest in more than a decade.3 X8 ~8 C% v2 |' Q

( N( Y$ c+ k5 T; k( B: P( W这些伤害罪行,爆发于巴黎郊外房屋工程引起的怒火,并且传递给了打抱不平的年轻人们,这些年轻人多是穆斯林或者非洲起源的移民和后代,他们在十几年里已经成为了法国最糟糕的城市不安定因素。
- w2 W( h5 b! `4 W% U- G! N% @% e  w3 C) m* Y) `1 D
Attacks overnight Sunday to Monday were reported in 274 towns, and police made 395 arrests, Gaudin said.
# S. v( N; e: C- f2 D0 T
, h2 o- m: H' E2 eGaudin说,从周日到周一的夜间,274个城镇汇报了当地的袭击事件,警察逮捕了395个人。
( s  I2 i8 x1 l- i8 b* H1 M, `: J* G  R5 h$ z1 F3 h' b1 e5 J) v
"This spread, with a sort of shock wave spreading across the country, shows up in the number of towns affected," Gaudin said, noting that the violence appeared to be sliding away from its flash point in the Parisian suburbs and worsening elsewhere.6 T3 V# B* y/ s! C0 a  D. Z
(稍后继续)( y0 X0 y9 Y& i/ T
, ^( ^$ G, k: f+ T- Z
It was the first time police had been injured by weapons' fire and there were signs that rioters were deliberately seeking out clashes with police, officials said.
7 ^( w- Q; P8 B4 _' a6 O4 J  U7 w7 [$ p" v
Among the injured police, 10 were hurt by youths firing fine-grain birdshot in a late-night clash in the southern Paris suburb of Grigny, national police spokesman Patrick Hamon said. Two were hospitalized, but the injuries were not considered life-threatening. One was wounded in the neck, the other in the legs.* \6 r# G9 w$ r8 B

& ^( d) f; A; L$ M: kThe unrest began Oct. 27 in the low-income Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois after the deaths of two teenagers of Mauritanian and Tunisian origin. The youths were accidentally electrocuted as they hid from police in a power substation. They apparently thought they were being chased.
5 x: Q( z: A) X  V  l' P5 I' V  n7 G: v/ |! K0 o6 g: K
About 4,700 cars have been burned in France since the rioting began and 1,200 suspects were detained at least temporarily, Gaudin said.
6 p% K! N( E& D8 a- A. \/ `8 o( \. L8 I2 Q% n2 e' s
The growing violence is forcing France to confront long-simmering anger in its suburbs, where many Africans and their French-born children live on society's margins, struggling with high unemployment, racial discrimination and despair — fertile terrain for crime of all sorts as well as for Muslim extremists offering frustrated youths a way out.5 ?" B; W, ^/ L/ T( E- u, u* s
3 N: ]. a. G8 d; O3 A7 \; x
France, with 5 million Muslims, has the largest Islamic population in Western Europe' ^* {% ?7 }1 c" A- k5 p
, N' t4 b; [( k2 W* q* |' Y' i
[ Last edited by 三思 on 2005-11-7 at 11:14 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-7 16:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-8 00:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
2 E, Q4 }3 v1 T; _8 s3 Q+ c5 b
" O0 z4 G2 `5 X$ K! q3 J# I) Q翻的好,继续。。。。。。
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-8 01:03 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by bin at 2005-11-7 05:16 PM:+ }: P2 K% R, B8 T

3 j6 P: f; K- p+ q( J$ w
0 Q4 f* T2 a$ \7 f# x% n8 @# U3 x( p1 J% O" C$ l; p
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-8 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by bin at 2005-11-7 05:16 PM:" a4 ]2 B2 T  y
+ X( I3 I& [8 |
: I# h8 b! B0 o0 d7 E% }% k
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-8 15:31 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 老马 at 2005-11-8 01:58 AM:: b; M9 h* U: r! M
( m' x" L7 [7 V5 g
0 [& _2 J4 F: ^6 q8 |: p翻的好,继续。。。。。。
" `7 X5 S' j8 V  O3 k2 k0 }
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