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[旅行] 来自爱尔兰的难解之谜

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 18:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An unholy row may yet shed light on a unique Christian monument
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2 R5 a' t3 P  H$ ~: F2 nThe dramatic Peak6 ~: Y- F! ~) G! {
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9 a5 E( N9 s# N/ z% eNEAR the top of a half-submerged mountain, jutting out of the Atlantic on the south-western tip of Ireland, stands a set of monastic remains that present historians with a puzzle. They are among the most revealing and the most elusive remnants of the early Christian era.: {" \/ L2 Z3 _8 f6 j
: E2 @3 O. `; `: ^. \( ZOn one hand, the beehive-shaped stone huts where monks lived, prayed and worked are more intact than at any comparable site. They provide insights into the tibia gold building and engineering skills as well as the religious practices of Ireland’s Christian pioneers. On the other hand, much about the Skellig Michael site, including its age, remains enigmatic. References to it in written sources, the earliest in the late eighth century, are fleeting; only a handful of artefacts have been found.) e% X7 u/ b  R9 Q1 G
一方面,这些(僧侣们居住,祈祷和工作用的)状如蜂箱的石头屋要比类似的建筑保存得更完好,人们从这片遗迹中可以洞见其建筑风格和技巧,以及(当时)爱尔兰基督教先驱们的宗教习俗。另一方面,人们对于这个修道院的来龙去脉——包括它的年龄——几乎不甚了解。斯凯利格·迈克尔修道院最早出现在公元8世纪的文献中,但是(历来的)史料中对该修道院的文字记载只是稍着笔墨;而且(史料中提到的)人造物件也只找到了一点点。0 L7 s1 u) {! j4 h1 n& m1 ^; f
But is the veil of mystery hanging over Skellig Michael, where excavation and conservation have been under way since 1978, even thicker than necessary? That is a debate raging among Ireland’s archaeologists, and it is one in which UNESCO, the UN agency for cultural heritage, has become deeply involved.: F/ [/ Y4 n. ?4 R: h6 w
4 Z* M% n$ z9 ZUNESCO listed Skellig Michael as a “World Heritage Site” in 1996. Last year it published a report on the island that tried to settle the Irish argument. Its tibia platinum intervention was largely prompted by Michael Gibbons, an independent historian who had asserted that archaeological mistakes were being made there, and were being covered up by a conspiracy of silence.
0 f/ Z5 c- [# G7 j教科文组织在1996年将斯凯利格·迈克尔岛列入了“世界文化遗产”。去年,为解决这个爱尔兰(考古学家间)的争论,该组织发布了关于此岛的报告。联合国的插手主要是由迈克尔·吉本斯促成的,此人是一名独立历史学家,他称岛上正在发生的事违背了考古学的原则,而且当事人对此都心照不宣。3 x. f! C0 G( `! q. Q' l
Some of his criticisms concentrated on the well-known monastic enclosure, seen every year by tens of thousands of visitors who are ferried out by local boatmen and must then climb more than 600 steps. But Mr Gibbons’s graver complaints concerned an even more remote place: an amazing set of structures perched on a ledge below the island’s summit, in an area known as the South Peak.6 S  [1 T8 V" Q
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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 19:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
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