埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2017-6-6 19:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
五月份成交量上升25%,价格持平- v  @/ X8 q/ |# g

" v0 |# o. `2 L! p' G2 w埃德蒙顿人口普查区(CMA),2017年5月份的所有住宅成交量比2017年4月份上涨25.37%,与2016年5月相比下降了2.78%。年初迄今成交量环比上涨38.19%,同比上涨2.70%。6 G) a* N) h/ X, Y- W
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“我们正处于房地产业最繁忙的季节之中,”埃德蒙顿地产协会主席的James Mabey说。 “更多卖家正在进入市场,他们想在盛夏之前卖出房产,这为那些正在利用上市旺季积极寻找房源的买家提供了最佳选择。”
7 `( }( y5 O5 O: L) ^+ `+ i
' [6 S* Z& |0 X) m库存继续增加,环比上涨10.16%,同比上涨4.33%。新上市物业数量环比上涨16.21%,同比上升15.09%。' V! }9 ]4 N" U. s  t* y

# H, s+ h4 Z) W) r五月份房产从挂牌到售出的平均天数保持稳定,大部分房产类别销售天数略有微降。独立屋的平均售出天数为48天,与2017年4月持平,略低于2016年5月的51天。公寓平均售出天数从2017年4月和2016年5月的60天增加至62天。双拼和排屋则为61天,比2017年4月的64天少了三天,比2016年5月的59天增加了两天。
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In the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), all residential unit sales for May 2017 are up 25.37% relative to April 2017, and down 2.78% compared to May 2016. Relative to this period of time last year, the year-to-date sales are up 38.19% month over month and 2.70% year over year.5 j, L) l2 K0 @3 `) ^+ |8 _

! x! I: @3 T& s' S' IAverage prices for single family home increased both month over month and year over year, increasing to $440,907, up 0.33% compared to April 2017 and up 0.26% relative to May 2016. Condominium average price was $250,818 in May 2017, a decrease of 2.69% compared to April 2017 and a decrease of 0.67% compared to May 2016. Average prices for duplexes/rowhouses and condominiums decreased in May. Duplexes and rowhouses average price decreased to $344,406, a 3.75% decline from April 2017 and 1.52% lower than May 2016.) F$ @, _$ N9 y) }

4 G7 z" [6 w: ~' g' L“We are in the middle of our busiest season for real estate,” says James Mabey, REALTORS® Association of Edmonton Chair. “More sellers are entering the market and are motivated to move their properties before the summer months, which provides the best selection of properties for buyers who are actively looking and taking advantage of the increased number of listings typical for this time of year.”, M5 M' p; T2 {( i# l& N

+ T! L- {2 ]+ m% _; gInventory continued to increase for May and is up 10.16% over April 2017, increasing 4.33% relative to May 2016. New listings increased 16.21% relative to April 2017, and increased 15.09% compared to May 2016.
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Average days on market remained stable, decreasing slightly for most categories in May. The average for single family homes was 48 days on market, identical to April 2017, and down marginally compared to 51 average days in May 2016. Condominiums increased to 62 days on market from 60 days in April 2017 and May 2016. Average days on market for duplexes and rowhouses decreased to 61 days, compared to 64 days in April 2017 and increased compared to 59 days in May 2016.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-6-6 21:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2017-6-10 21:02 | 显示全部楼层
Not seems to be a good news, but not bad.
鲜花(57) 鸡蛋(42)
发表于 2017-6-22 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-6-23 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(57) 鸡蛋(42)
发表于 2017-6-26 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 K歌 于 2017-6-26 15:51 编辑 0 j8 E$ y, W) ]3 m% P/ v; f
lastman 发表于 2017-6-23 19:21. ~! ?) @7 ]# x7 }5 Y7 t$ f8 E, K
房地产市场是没有好消息就是坏消息,Edmonton的房子确实没涨,想想温哥华的一套公寓就差不多买一套半到两套 ...
8 X$ O/ e( a5 B5 N

* _4 f6 ]5 Y7 w; T3 r8 d真理不重要,重要的是什么大家都清楚。
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-6-26 15:22 | 显示全部楼层
K歌 发表于 2017-6-26 15:21
1 O. B6 K' M9 Y3 [真理不重要,重要的是什么大家都清楚。
; E0 j, S' M+ l+ @, b
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