埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

标题: His face was drawn but the curtains were real [打印本页]

作者: billzhao    时间: 2019-11-1 20:22
标题: His face was drawn but the curtains were real
直译:他的脸是画的, 窗帘不是画的,是真的
. G" P* ?/ i1 G; G) e' K  G实际意思:8 X: f! M/ T+ ]3 }5 @9 C# i" ^
[\hide] 他面无表情,好像窗户被窗帘挡住一样,看不进去[hide]
作者: billzhao    时间: 2019-11-1 20:25
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2019-11-1 20:26 编辑 0 [! Z9 \# x) O1 X% y1 @, p% h
! H/ L( J- C2 U1 K3 l; h
Here is the meaning.  Curtains are being used   as a symbolic reference to the man's facial expression, which mask his true feelings.   The man's face therefore, has been drawn,  just as  curtains are "drawn" when they are close, allowing no light in.  So with the man's face,  he allows no light either. His feelings,  thoughts, intentions  and so forth are close over by the "drawn curtains" or "closed curtains" of his face.. H7 }  A- A( i0 @

# K$ `) ?: ]6 c7 I& J9 l9 L  To say the face was "drawn" is to say that it was closed, and unreadable.  To say that the curtains were "real" is to say that no knowledge at all could be obtained about the man; because those curtains, which were the man's face,  really were closed.  O1 i0 S1 Z, a1 n' v
/ N" @; K' v# F  u! X
    I know this very well.  My face used to be an expressionless mask.  People would ask if I was excited about one thing or the other, and I would say, "Oh Yes! Really!". Then they would say;
% b0 z' C+ f3 }- f# D( O$ Y"Well I could not tell it from looking at your face!".   
) o( b  F' J' X8 e% o2 d( BThat is when I began to realize that my face was in reality, a curtain, from which no person could ascertain any feeling at all.
# _) n) u3 b  L1 h
; f1 j  L. {: |7 N   I changed that over time however.   The mind can draw real "curtains" over a face, and no one can see beyond those "curtains". Such is the power of the human mind to create its own Prison.
6 V  [' L5 ?% i

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