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Four basic qualites to help you overcome yourself

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-4-30 13:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2012-4-30 13:20 编辑 2 [. w( ?0 ^  \9 D1 u& ~$ r& ~
3 U0 l6 v7 \' Z  I% L# C1 Y7 x
BillZhao once said that there should be nothing unconquerable if one is able to overcome himself/herself. Unfortunately, many people, including the speaker himself, cannot overcome his laziness and procrastination. I found the following short article helpful. 3 D1 K9 {% V+ |0 R
$ R3 `4 J3 m* a
It is important to focus on some qualities for success in life. Many people look for quick fixes but if you really want something – it is up to you to get it. You have to overcome yourself to achieve that.6 L2 y2 T! z0 B) |+ a+ C% r3 T
And that comes down to one thing – commitment to change.
1 s2 E4 E3 U& m; HWork and effort. There is no easy path, even if some make it look so simple. Almost everyone that has reached some level of success has spent the time up front getting the skills, putting in the work and tearing down the brick walls. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. ~ Randy Pausch
0 _1 C3 @" ^2 A# Y& |1 d7 M* B7 f$ w5 j! y- z! \1 G+ F  g
They have focused on what they want to achieve.2 r6 Y7 {0 F8 S" ~* O% x" a
& s  W9 d" H4 L
Forget about technical skills, they can be learned or outsourced. To set yourself apart from the crowd here are some starting points to help differentiate you.) [5 A- m  Z. i2 k
; {3 {* `$ c; p
Be focused
$ w5 ^# W0 m1 ~" n9 _5 i, y' q
5 A9 K! g: g6 e8 ~1 ]If you know what you want you are bound to get there. Especially if you set your mind to it.
$ K3 B6 f. I% S+ TPassion and purpose are powerful motivators but without focus you will have a life with no direction. How can you reach somewhere if you don’t know where you are going? Focus gives you a target – head straight for it. You have to know your goal to see it.
3 z5 B# ]; n, F* A  p/ b' P1 t5 f
, Q% G8 w+ H$ Q. b% [: V9 B. ZBe remarkable
+ B6 b7 T- s4 M
, y" d; n6 f4 k9 t9 D* c. EI want a leave behind a legacy that makes the world a bit better. If you are remarkable, people remember you. They flock to you. They do that because your leadership inspires them to do great things too.* y( g7 T) ^  o8 r9 }
It’s hard to be remarkable all the time but compassion, care and integrity go a long way. A positive and optimistic approach will help elevate your view of any task you set out to achieve. Let your instincts create, innovate and improve everything you do – it will show in the end result.; G5 \4 V' U# j+ M1 p- r- ^& N/ F
& u* _# w& R7 L( a1 P" r3 P3 d
Be action oriented( C, k' N( O7 T4 `% k
8 \+ ^3 P" l/ w) K$ s( B
If you spend your time analyzing, nothing will get done.
8 _# ~) P" J- O& @. LTo achieve it is important to take actions that will get you somewhere other than square one. Reading, surfing the web, making decisions, writing reports, going over finances and various tasks is not action. It’s procrastination. Sure they may play a role. Certain tasks need to be done but at what cost.
1 v3 E2 O$ q+ G7 }7 _  ]Only action creates results./ a9 c/ }# {2 W+ O4 o! j
Spending your time just to pass the time is a an excuse to be inactive. It’s a form of sabotage. Actions that create, promote and add values are the ones that will earn money and help to change the world. They are the ones you should spend most of your time on. This will become more clear as you learn to let go of old habits./ E9 r7 I1 X0 M, B# Y

% t8 L) s2 H) l3 U, l' iBe aware
( Y2 g! @8 T9 @# @5 S7 P$ U

% r. a2 e3 u( \, V+ k5 _Perhaps many of us are so busy that we run around with blinders on – just like a horse leading a carriage. But remember the second action – be remarkable. If you do this part of your job is to educate, inform and add value in other people’s lives. Therefore you constantly need to be willing to learn. You need to be adaptable and flexible. You need to accept all the possibilities without judgement.! R5 X% D' c# z4 a7 G) s( q. U
Awareness is essential for change. Once you are aware you can make positive decisions and solve problems that would otherwise have passed you by.
. u, _" V" J" Q2 n" @That’s it.# ?$ t# @, h. ]) S3 V
No big secrets., J) c- ^  o9 }) L8 j* y1 S
Everyone has their huge list of qualities but I think it comes down to those four main things – having focus, being remarkable, being action oriented and having awareness. As you start to master each virtue the road to life seems worth it just a little bit more.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-4-30 13:21 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article, Bill.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-30 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
jsw 发表于 2012-4-30 13:21 1 J' t6 f/ B, V2 C9 _* N9 i4 H
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article, Bill.

: I3 A% A9 m3 o+ v+ lYou are welcome. Are you a night owl or early bird? since it is 4:27 Beijing time.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-4-30 13:56 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
billzhao 发表于 2012-4-30 14:24
& i: H3 e0 T. @) r- S# |You are welcome. Are you a night owl or early bird? since it is 4:27 Beijing time.

: e- N- X. e/ ^6 ^( a4 dI am visiting a customer here in Hungary...
鲜花(670) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-4-30 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
good article, thanks for sharing
) Z7 B9 t4 w! O. z: @I would like to ask people in the garden forum to come to see this, xixi
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-30 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
jsw 发表于 2012-4-30 13:56
3 Y. c* L. R( j3 z) F/ k" [I am visiting a customer here in Hungary...
* d/ Y+ ]9 I9 m7 J, b$ M# I
great, maybe you open a new post posting your experiences there? some pictures?
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-30 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
amybear 发表于 2012-4-30 14:06
. }9 u+ M! c2 H3 U; [good article, thanks for sharing
) ]' }  R9 g7 |' _- jI would like to ask people in the garden forum to come to see this ...

5 N) h; X# v, p* t3 G& s( V/ }Thanks, angel
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-4-30 20:22 | 显示全部楼层

3 Q2 h1 ?" [4 V4 d
Only action creates results

* l( k& |0 I* Q1 b7 W; t; [2 O4 p# L3 Z& G; i5 r
总下决心, 但懒于行动的人.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-5-1 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jsw 于 2012-5-1 01:17 编辑 ) C5 t# T- I  y! v, V; y
billzhao 发表于 2012-4-30 15:14
+ l3 I5 j( C# \& q9 ?  t, @great, maybe you open a new post posting your experiences there? some pictures?

6 n8 `3 Q. ^! u( b/ b6 |8 D& g2 H* [/ h
Bill, let's stay focused on English learning.
5 G) W, ^4 ]8 t) q  `# JSeriously, there's not much to say. Though it's my first visit to a European country, I am not surprised at the orderliness and cleanliness I see here. Same thing as probably in Canada, they greet strangers with Hello, which made my colleagues surprised ... I've been to both Korea and Japan, and I know that we Asian people can do as well, if not better. It's realy hard for me to accept the fact that we Chinese seem far lagging behind, despite our thousand-year-old civilization and prorperity...
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 07:02 | 显示全部楼层
jsw 发表于 2012-5-1 00:15
7 ^0 `( ?# S( X$ s2 KBill, let's stay focused on English learning. 9 F/ W6 O! Y/ y
Seriously, there's not much to say. Tho ...

5 u0 H$ G0 z0 [4 E! SRight. You have sharp eyes to see the difference.
5 E* B9 h2 ]: w9 ?4 c0 {" p! d0 K9 z( q" u* }! N
Quite ironically, the difference between Chinese and Westerners in treating strangers can be sourced to our cultural heritage. Ancient Chinese were too focused on the three cardinal guides, that is, the sovereign guides the subject, the father guides the son, and the husband guides the wife. One side effect of the three cardinal guides is that most Chinese stress the importance of people they are related to, and try their best to sustain a good relationship. They had less energy and attention left to attend to people they do not know.  


amybear  在2012-5-1 14:41  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-5-1 08:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jsw 于 2012-5-1 09:16 编辑 6 h0 Z  e8 G# z6 {$ I/ e
billzhao 发表于 2012-5-1 08:02
6 S8 \1 K% ~) j) T/ ?Right. You have sharp eyes to see the difference.
# ?8 F5 m( U: h! I. {  l3 k. |" ^( B$ q7 [$ D% i
Quite ironically, the difference between Chi ...

( W1 j, L( V7 Y( E$ e# U6 P+ K, H- v' T% H1 e
Boy, you definitely have a good point there. And matter of fact, that's what I told my colleagues this morning at breakfast. Our culture, however popular or prosperous it was, never has the basic idea that all people are equal. All our teachings were based on the precondition that ordinary people are subjects of the king or emporer who claimed himself to be appointed by the heaven. How I wonder how stupid our ancestors have been that so many emperors of different surnames have been appointed throughout the years!% N, Q; y9 q# d' O4 R
In contrast, the west, somehow is far better off in that aspect. They also had their kings and emporers but they seemed to have grown out of that faster than us.
3 ?7 d- C% P/ x& y1 y! c" h' g4 ]3 }If you ask me, all east Asian countries including Japan and Korea seem to remain under that curse...
鲜花(647) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2012-5-1 13:29 | 显示全部楼层
DELTA 发表于 2012-4-30 21:22
% u7 r( @' U- t; Q8 e% s5 R总下决心, 但懒于行动的人.

4 E7 v- t7 c3 G2 Y- p! ]: `至少你在下决心方面,是勤劳的。
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