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[招聘信息] 有没有对做残疾人/儿童护理有兴趣的?

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-23 22:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
YWCA of Edmonton 全称基督教女青年会,
- u) k. A8 f# \7 q& l: E$ \它的Adult Service Department 和Family Service Department常年招收full time or part time的员工,7 M6 z/ X. E& P" }3 Z. f
: ~* W) `7 }( H8 B! D! L6 q6 U; E* d; x
招聘启事见:http://www.ywcaofedmonton.org/employment.htm0 p% h6 p/ x: t+ T: d) B
现在In-Home Respite Program、Enhanced Respite Program及Community Visions General最需要员工工作。
! |  d; D. ^6 h/ w3 K# y  ^) u$ \# \' N& F* Q! U3 {9 z- A
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-23 22:10 | 显示全部楼层

In-Home Respite Program

The YWCA Edmonton Family Services program is1 S" Q0 {1 x: P# p7 q
recruiting for community support workers in the In
9 _$ B# U' R9 }  H) Y  tHome Respite program at a variety of locations in the
% J& h. ^' W* w) _' A$ A: Ecity.$ [9 e' u) U" C" P8 O* a  _
Staff would provide respite care to parents or primary) _' B# O& D* s7 M" H* e) O/ h
care givers of children with mild to moderate physical or
5 d# X, l5 N1 [$ U. Ucognitive developmental disabilities for shifts of three (3)1 o- D8 [" u  y$ v* k6 n" o
or more hours per day worked. During the school year,
7 K6 p" ?0 f  Y( R, E+ W) Oas the children are in school during the day, the bulk of
# [+ T& u0 ~+ m( M) a$ ^: s* O9 {! hthe hours available will be late afternoons and
0 {2 b! A  L1 U* Sevenings or on weekends.
% O/ z5 o8 p& B: J, \Ideal hours for full time or part time, |9 Z8 D( F! R; R: s) `
9 w. }5 o# h3 b0 {2 B* JQualifications:1 _) Q. `& x& G) X- Y& ?
• a minimum of six months experience in working
: Z' r3 O3 y; z2 r: _  gwith children (this could include volunteer work)1 _3 l$ J# s" R
• experience in working with children with9 s; v2 Q0 y, \8 p1 Q
disabilities is an asset
/ N3 m. F0 ?7 _* D# Z& n6 O9 i• the ability to support the clients with all aspects
5 a/ b$ T& A6 R+ s+ @/ ]of community inclusion( s& X+ `. Z" g+ W
• Standard First Aide with Level C CPR9 `3 y( _2 X  w+ {- K1 G! C6 O
• Clear Criminal Record and Child and Youth
  e; ^( M' F& iInformation Module Check current to within last( x* n4 k. P0 ^0 I; U  E% n
six months
2 I/ o3 j1 q* Q' l/ Q7 c7 ~. o; rJob Duties/Responsibilities
* Q- m9 ^+ j& [3 H$ X5 v• Providing client personal care or behaviour( F3 p  u  ?& L! C# \% D4 O
management  {: `% l1 N. I
• Assisting clients in performance of daily living
7 {3 H* H9 J5 |$ l3 ?tasks
& e# K3 N7 A# z0 V• Assisting clients to access recreational activities
: [5 G' s9 U: {- A! b  Cin their community
9 y5 u! z* s7 T" Z• Possibly assisting in medication administration
3 c6 E2 ^" k! y/ A# hWage: $12.00 per hour, y* ?% O  n0 o- t; y, t- c
Forward resumes to:
2 `: N" y" L" _6 WRecruitment @ywcaofedmonton.org
- B- Q, Q5 T! D1 z% FFax: (780) 425 7467
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-23 22:13 | 显示全部楼层

Enhanced Respite Program

Coordinated Enhanced Respite Program
$ b7 T4 B& R+ l9 rThe YWCA Edmonton Family Services program is7 B. g: j/ {0 l# Y" t
recruiting for community support workers in the
/ |+ O' V- m8 T; L4 ZCoordinated Enhanced Respite program at a variety of
7 _% w; y5 c% @. J' ulocations in the city.6 z: N/ x0 H/ w) E6 v. f4 N  @
Staff would provide respite care to parents or primary* K% x: T- \# Z
care givers of children with moderate to severe physical* i! I5 l( V( U6 z' @
or cognitive developmental disabilities for shifts of three
5 O% z  G* C. u" @, `6 a% h(3) or more hours per day worked. During the school
6 W) D6 V- f4 I; X3 E& I' s" C, Nyear, as the children are in school during the day, the
! ?1 b* X  [! E8 Abulk of the hours available will be late afternoons and
. Y& ]; {" Q6 ^5 Pevenings or on weekends.7 l9 W/ z- C! H$ k9 t
However, during the summer months, there will be3 _6 }3 l! g- Q9 N
extended hours available during weekdays while5 j5 h; M7 \* Y! X
children are out of school.0 F4 A4 E2 V' Y% `6 u- M$ n
Ideal hours for full time or part time
, w: q# L$ Z5 Y9 a% d7 estudents
  d8 q# I. W: t, qQualifications:" L% q0 ]3 T4 D. g: ]
• a minimum of six months experience in working
$ |2 V7 }- K: B2 Wwith children with mental and/or physical+ Q2 ?& c/ `( l0 i" u  ^' m' q
disabilities (this could include volunteer work)
* g( J1 a" V  m$ l. u3 z• the ability to support the clients with all aspects9 Y2 h- I8 \' b5 f4 P4 l1 V4 [, E
of community inclusion$ R$ Q, S0 j6 T: y0 ]& H/ I
• Standard First Aide with Level C CPR
# y! c) E1 F: X( {' q7 O• Clear Criminal Record and Child and Youth) m$ `9 `6 y! \) {4 }# L8 i7 ~& I2 W4 v
Information Module Check current to within last; N( l6 _# j* g+ W  `7 P
six months" e# O4 \1 \3 T2 G6 v
Job Duties/Responsibilities& I( e- P3 a: b% P" w1 Z! H1 h! D
• Providing client personal care or behaviour
5 z' y& s. B8 J) F4 Y. Xmanagement
; R$ j: n' D" j  o! M) N• Assisting clients in performance of daily living1 U2 y. l) B( n+ M5 ]+ I5 _9 t
3 b3 P( w1 R3 t8 U* d; E+ M# f& d• Assisting clients to access recreational activities
- w" d, r( Z8 J$ F) d) O* Yin their community/ I) m5 B# [, a) b' |
• Possibly assisting in medication administration
. l# W0 Z  I' i/ I  N2 I) i& |Positions Available:& L& Z! v6 X% u5 l7 x' E0 C% k( i
North Edmonton
8 O& h4 E  H9 A1 C2 children with physical disabilities4 d5 e2 A% ]8 D$ v$ Z. Q
• On good bus route
) S" h% K2 z" ^, b( [5 b4 \/ X• Double staffing* h7 b1 B2 N7 ^* _5 B
• Personal care, lifts and transfers
* Q: S8 y5 [+ E# ^) g• Wed 3:30 to 9pm, every 2nd Friday 3:30 – 9pm,7 {9 K: k* F9 p; [7 g) _& b
Sat and Sun 9-9pm (12 hours)0 `- [2 g8 K+ E4 \0 q, j7 N& a; d
3 children with double staffing
# R5 e; s7 O2 A2 D2 |• 15 hours per week
4 c6 E4 y% u$ d" r) Q& t/ E• Mon, Wed, Fri 4-9pm% [" ^  K+ W1 k- s, D7 G% m
• Behaviour management skills required
' y  k, c3 \/ u0 u9 J1 boy with some behavioural issues4 l# o, _0 \2 U' t' B7 q
• one evening (flexible) per week 5-9 or 6-10pm6 J2 d2 E3 Y; i: u/ q
• Saturday 4 hours (flexible)8 L9 ?5 A4 s6 J/ w' }
1 boy with some behavioural issues, T2 a  r! Y9 c7 g% f
• 15 hours per week, p! q! J  b7 }9 }& ~; k
• 2 days per week and one on weekend
- I8 y/ V2 L2 N  V/ S7 K+ ^0 d5 n• Current staff going on maternity leave soon
; g! [& K7 n% v! D1 @. A( ~3 z( h• Poor bus access; vehicle preferable
3 l  ], l3 s. ]( D1 girl with some behavioural issues
1 q2 o& A. N2 Y6 d• 15 hours per week (3 days)" a) g& P2 |7 _& g, H% C" G
• 4-9 pm; flexible for which days of week
$ D% V, t3 ~- ~* ySouthwest Edmonton
, B6 @5 Z3 b+ @5 ^; I2 children with some medical and behavioural issues
8 B4 Q/ n! \: z/ [+ V2 e  q• Tuesdays and Fridays 5-10pm
, m$ u/ W8 O/ Q$ L• Every second and third Monday in month 5-10pm
; {6 N3 f* g) c. I6 k• Every first and last Thursday in month 5-10 pm* ]( u4 b0 h. k- P1 o
Millwoods! G5 j% y# ~9 ~& d
1 girl with some behavioural issues
8 E+ I: @  Q7 l• 3 days per week
! j# {2 A, E7 {8 `• 4-9 pm
" E7 C- X) n0 m4 j3 V! m$ B  [• Some staffing already in place
! F7 }6 i5 Y+ D/ F% Q7 S% m' ^; K$ uWage: Starting at $13.50 per hour9 j; _! s2 A0 [. c! @  p
Forward resumes to:
7 m5 x( F+ U5 p8 ?8 M" q4 RRecruitment @ywcaofedmonton.org
  z8 X9 H1 D; n3 l5 N* O9 \Fax: (780) 425 7467
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-23 22:15 | 显示全部楼层

Community Visions Program For Adults with Disabilities

老杨团队 追求完美
Part Time
9 p& ^! W* @' e; h5 M' RCommunity Support Workers
+ x) _) j( d8 n- kThe YWCA Edmonton Community Visions program is
: K9 Z! ~6 f$ i2 K. Orecruiting for part time Community Support Workers to
: M7 W: }/ ]# D% x  Jwork with adults with disabilities.
4 M' S2 O2 k& K: T+ A# vAs most of the individuals we serve have day programs1 Z) H4 s* I" X. i
or jobs during the day, the bulk of the hours available
% u7 |3 v1 Z# i9 r  Vwill be late afternoons and evenings or on weekends.
8 y" ]- R# a5 \; |) }. Z, i/ aIdeal hours for full time or part time students
4 a' K; Q( w. IQualifications:
& q2 p) |8 T* N• a minimum of six months experience in working, d9 W1 q8 M. L
with persons with mental and/or physical
& C3 ]! I: J  w- T2 vdisabilities
- \9 K: `- h2 d& j• the ability to support the clients with all aspects! i/ D( Q* L/ {6 K/ N
of community inclusion. k8 e1 D$ x. v- K4 T
• Standard First Aide with Level C CPR
" t  h- |4 E. v( ~: U( ~. e8 H• Clear Criminal Record and Child and Youth
2 N! P( f4 l5 y# T: L; wInformation Module Check current to within last
; V+ H: ^" n0 D6 ?( Z: qsix months
. r, C6 f, R$ r% gJob Duties/Responsibilities (also see individual postings
3 [) ?3 ~. P. ~for more specific duties):
/ x6 B- W2 s, r* U5 t% P- M• Providing client personal care or behaviour, x9 H& X1 X9 y2 p
3 F) g* W8 O0 F: `# a4 W) x* d' H• Assisting clients in performance of daily living5 u* n$ C* _0 L. ^$ ^, v
tasks  p7 x+ p4 U6 u
• Assisting clients to access recreational activities3 {9 z" ~" X: v6 d
in their community
6 x% R' d4 @  N  O3 e# q* a. f/ ^• Possibly assisting in medication administration" q( }) U, j8 S9 c
It is possible to work with more than one client if, `4 B& _6 N% z4 x
yours and clients’ schedules allow it.
! _  [% U7 g" S4 y0 t* KOptional participation in Benefits program if
* O0 C; }: J4 S% B- W0 |. y, Wconsistently employed more than 20 hours per week, u* e; E" l. ?8 x, f; H1 e
Wage Range: $12.40 to 15.49 per hour
" \, ?- \. Y: k& Z3 q5 IClosing Dates: Until suitable candidates found
$ `2 ^* V) i6 v2 U* J4 YPlease forward resumes/applications to:: ]8 A: ^4 c# s
Human Resources
" X' G- ^+ ^6 W/ ]) u: hYWCA Edmonton' ~. t5 w% P# q& I* I8 S5 h
Attention: Recruitment Coordinator
& R1 k. L- I8 Q7 TFax: (780) 425-7467( ?1 J6 J% f" ], G  C# F
Email: recruitment @ywcaofedmonton.org
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-23 22:17 | 显示全部楼层

Community Visions Program For Adults with Disabilities (Full Time)

Position- c! v# x( `, a; E) j3 O* _8 e8 x& F2 H
Full-Time Community Support Worker
! Z+ E; }4 D7 Q& zClosing Date4 [! w4 ]. u. q2 r, x
Until suitable candidates found
: x- g6 t, R4 C# M9 hThe YWCA Edmonton Community Visions program is recruiting full time9 D* p0 U" ?  w. U0 P" }: T
Community Support Workers to work with an individual in Stony Plain.
4 K+ {" C7 b) K' v30 hours a week Monday – Friday (Day time hours)
/ w" |) S6 t. M* KQualifications
" V2 v+ g2 Y  u( X9 o" v/ I• A minimum of six months experience in working with persons with1 z  ~6 O$ }: z' R% ~% J! u: W
mental and/or physical disabilities& u) u, y4 R0 b. R' j" F. E
• The ability to support the client with all aspects of community# I# a7 [+ ~6 E( A7 T: P* h
inclusion) w, K& C) L9 m: g( q9 u/ _1 l: Z
• Standard First Aide with Level ‘B’ CPR
, }6 W' \! j" `, Y• Clear Criminal Record and Child and Youth Information Module
1 O4 ?. n9 A1 J5 n- u& E; VCheck current to within last six months9 o- s0 X! J# z2 h& g: `
Job Duties/Responsibilities- G9 \2 n0 p% T% K8 D- y
• Assisting clients in performance of daily living tasks* A  @+ ]$ t3 t# v! }6 \
• Assisting clients to access recreational activities in their community
: ?1 r; Z% X" c! U• Assisting clients in searching for potential employment# ^0 x. \* O) {: s
Optional participation in Benefits program if consistently employed
* G3 h3 e1 Q  [2 b: U0 M: umore than 20 hours per week.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-23 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
Forward Résumé To:
$ @. U( B0 z" e( VYWCA Edmonton
9 y& h6 C9 O# \0 PHuman Resources/ [' g5 P2 r; f7 n
Attention: Patti Gould
0 \! X! ?1 s' i: I+ c- P, A/ j#100, 10350 - 124 Street N.W.
% {; S% R  K$ d6 g0 g' bEdmonton, Alberta
; R5 S. u% V- x( g2 KT5N 3V9
$ \1 d) d: @9 j3 t1 J' c) Y, l
3 Y8 _. w' S9 h9 Y5 ME-mail
/ T8 D" j* n6 j4 I/ erecruitment@ywcaofedmonton.org: K3 k& S1 a9 e5 t7 r
Fax/ S* L* r0 c. j: z4 T, [+ U+ R
780.488.6077  d7 U; ], M* Y
" |; m: V+ G! |3 ?780.423.9922 ext. 247: Q0 v; }3 K2 G+ v" W
Web! B  ?3 v& |; p/ ^* ?, J% S1 l
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
( O- z. {3 }" s其实这种职位蛮好的,
2 B# k9 z# j/ \' l2 D4 u; R比端盘子挣的多,
6 b: w4 U6 w4 Z& t7 K而且不见得累到哪里,
7 C, b1 y; k% y0 B语言要求也还可以,9 k3 V7 o+ k# B3 f8 E  V
# ?! K2 U# P. o而且时间上比较自由。
( d  y3 V4 @' t只是一开始的时候就要求有first aid证书,3 \9 j9 q  r0 `7 Z+ E: |
这个可能需要先考一下了。  ]$ L0 N& Z, B$ M/ a2 H
8 O( @! [, R, I; i. _  i& F或者有带过孩子的经验的就够了,
8 j5 S  n* J7 \! s. J6 P8 C5 y甚至学生也是可以的。9 l' I5 M# b) U5 `3 B* {" _
6 R4 o1 M, t) I: L5 E* p% o- v1 M+ t* Y. k: ?. {
[ 本帖最后由 六月茉莉 于 2008-7-24 16:16 编辑 ]
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-24 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-25 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-25 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
the payment is too low
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-25 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 playball 于 2008-7-25 11:38 发表 3 V* \8 |6 r& k+ @6 J/ O
the payment is too low
9 M0 }& ?4 T% `

/ M% X7 Q1 L& W  LYWCA的counselling部门pay的高,
* R  L1 T9 C' P# s  j, D学历够,经验够,语言好的可以pay到一小时20多,
& b) O# [* s! h5 ]/ w& \) w& x还只是每星期来个2次,
, c0 z4 {9 l8 s( ?$ g$ V接待一下,咨询一下很轻松的。。。
- L( d' K/ p8 u% A8 o" Q2 Q* {当兼职做很不错。。。
: [4 P- b" ?- b! e要不您考虑一下这个?
# r$ ^1 C0 l2 G3 v& w# c小声嘀咕一句。。。: B: K8 \; g" d  s9 V# H
还怕您达不到要求呢。。。* J+ u3 J3 E) S4 J; K& O6 t" t( M

$ s/ {; ^7 D" y& j8 S& d[ 本帖最后由 六月茉莉 于 2008-7-25 12:46 编辑 ]
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-25 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 playball 于 2008-7-25 11:38 发表 * F( _5 N: a& r1 C
the payment is too low

: [$ M: T( l( ~/ j0 P- ^. W# \1 M6 e
& e! K& j2 Q, f8 i; m真的低吗?: v+ H$ @% d, B
你做过还是比较过??这么有发言权啊~~% ^6 Z6 k  b, z: j# b# q& Q( Q* N
我觉得,公正来说,  k2 [* t7 M" K3 D1 P( \. \0 t
比起搞工程的,比起注册的这个师那个师,9 @6 ]5 N4 z( y3 m
; N+ C/ b2 Z* u2 i$ {3 x3 k$ m但是比起幼儿园老师的工资来说已经很好了,% g' c# Y* v: D4 }# {# J8 g  `" b
比起在麦当劳、餐馆应该是高的了,& g  B( n0 U3 b% @$ G5 W
而且强度低多了。。。。。。。& s  E/ j# Z7 l: T0 R. x" L4 |: k9 s
: S5 ~. s5 h2 _而且这些个职位对于新移民或者放假期间的学生,$ r. P) Y0 ^9 Y' a6 e" k0 Q
都是相对比较容易得到的。。。$ F7 e) g" \2 k2 S. x, N
反正我是看到大把的有着稀奇古怪的名字,' S, D& w' D" P- c- {
不知道什么语的腔调的人做这个的有的是。。3 s* z1 _$ J* i6 o& T" g0 o% u) `
甚至有很多有full time工作的也来申请个part time干干呢。: K' @! }$ m9 J1 S
你想要工资高的部门也有。。7 P6 W0 e% E& B& p; v# w( V; q  f
YWCA里有一种FOSTER家庭,' p) L; _# E4 r! U
: i; m( r) I7 [- I2 V$ D1 X平时带着看看病,出去玩玩,; h# t" T( ~1 V5 R4 h. l" `
( S, }; I+ n" C8 k) u3 W! m而且这些收入完全不用交税。。。
1 m6 Y4 N- j8 L% P# q比我这个全职的挣的还多。。。+ I4 R8 i  m: E) K
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-25 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
! T' x1 F" ?$ E' ?3 u2 x这里大拿太多了吧
. n$ t/ z7 z+ x人人都非8万10万年薪的位置不可?
* f- U$ B' r$ n* I; E不会人人都这么牛吧。。
  [! [" G/ Q( M" R5 A1 r! H7 _看不上眼的就自动略过这些低薪职位吧。。。
  Y5 \  q2 E. T5 M" G3 b, }罗嗦一句。。。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-25 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 六月茉莉 于 2008-7-25 12:44 发表 # c8 _& W& H) f( a/ F
Dear,今天被刺激了啊。。。  }" ?$ Q' U* L1 d7 Z" J$ B& C
这里大拿太多了吧4 k1 f6 _* w' w! e& P. N
: W7 R. d8 J" y' u6 k' S不会人人都这么牛吧。。
+ K7 r0 |6 V1 ?看不上眼的就自动略过这些低薪职位吧。。。& u' _" L; R9 @2 B' i& T
0 D5 s1 [7 k0 O8 y  B- B. [

8 C  y0 ]6 C* d支持一下茉莉,你接着贴吧,我想有人会认真看并从中收益的.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-25 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 恭喜发财 于 2008-7-25 21:28 发表 " P. g" F; @2 p" s; t
% S3 p5 b" L9 k' K6 m
  j6 Q& Q* w  O( Q* S
7 ?* N1 j9 b. T. k. h其实啰嗦归啰嗦,1 u8 a( A8 h% L, m
9 D4 g4 A1 H% o7 g或者有所启示。。。
6 m% U: V; b2 A9 ]. |找工作也不一定要盯着洗碗那种地方。
* l( f$ j1 X7 a. A) s2 ^1 i% j
, V% r$ s2 Z$ U4 L0 Q9 _这个地方的工作除了前面提到过的好处外,
, T+ j. K0 A6 X: p3 M; A% c我想还有几方面,/ P, n0 W* v, a3 k
第一,可以真切的了解到加拿大社会,及它的福利政策,- P0 _, v2 _. @/ p
$ a; h: M; h9 r# \3 ^第三,可以多练习英语。
$ B, S, @: T9 q* H2 Z第四,以后找工作时候就有很好的推荐人了。0 X2 q& c2 o6 F; j- u1 v
; E- m7 v! @- X
7 W5 w6 j# g4 I" U8 H' A! Y1 _$ F但是对于刚刚在一个新的坏境里起步的人来讲,
4 d+ L  k. b# L# C8 D5 E不是所有的人都可以一下找到薪水很好的工作,
0 P$ a: m5 ~2 `; C不是所有的人都可以找到一个没有歧视的环境,& K' p: K( y) }
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-27 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-29 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 小路 于 2008-7-27 16:24 发表 9 K9 j- T& {) W) P& q/ c3 V
6 P) y6 J0 @2 J! @$ E1 c* E1 j受益非浅。想和你进一步了解有关情况,如何和你联系?
* {  ?" @! s4 I* `7 c, R5 O
. @, S! P% d1 Q, M4 W% X! I
you can send email to me: liuyuemoli@gmail.com
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-30 19:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小路 于 2008-7-27 16:24 发表 ! Q7 g* l0 j/ }$ ?! d6 e

' p7 S* N. K5 Z5 \( G& A6 X9 U/ W; n* g( p" `
呵呵,忘了说,站内短消息也可以。。。5 @8 `! r0 e( n: S
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-9 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-9 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 09:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 团团 于 2008-8-9 22:34 发表
) f( A1 Q, f. q. u不错是不错。。可是我没有这方面的经验啊、、、、、晕死
9 v1 d, D2 q+ G. F7 ]
, I& x1 q, a+ z& E; s$ R. B
赫赫,经验是什么?7 j% n% d: u+ d% J+ T  f
8 O0 R% B, z- g: M  B) a当然也要靠学习。。。
$ e( k+ l6 w* w) \做过了,就有经验了。。。
( x3 Z! j# Z7 `; A# u3 OYWCA提供相应方面员工培训,
; V- j; h5 k7 \: u0 b* H: ^5 [比如医药知识,行为管理等。。。
2 S$ a4 f& q& T* \* c& w赫赫,可以试一下,
* e! ^- s: R  `$ W万一就行了呢。。。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-28 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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