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(转) duck super hero (组图)

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-8 16:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ n/ ?8 l6 P6 kSomething really amazing happened in Downtown Spokane this week and I had to share the story with you.
3 [2 u& B! e, U) I2 m2 x; WSome of you may know that my brother, Joel, is a loan officer at Sterling Bank. He works downtown in a ! r/ s( M2 |1 G
second story office building, overlooking busy Riverside Avenue.  Several weeks ago he watched a mother
  ~& r& a$ p' \3 P. H! z# B3 Y" X2 Sduck choose the cement awning outside his window as the uncanny place to build a nest above the sidewalk.
% @# g5 s2 }  b& wThe mallard laid ten eggs in a nest in the corner of the planter that is perched over 10 feet in the air.  She
8 W' E1 A6 g* Vdutifully kept the eggs warm for weeks and Monday afternoon all of her nine ducklings hatched.; E6 ?0 B+ r3 m- ~9 J8 m) P

/ t( C% ]! K" C4 C1 R9 @/ t
9 |+ p! R; B2 p: w这个礼拜,在Spokane市中心发生了一件奇妙的事情,我得和你们分享。。。5 r8 o4 d% w6 F0 ]0 o

  u) T% T9 x. d; d, w  y  f' i- v你们有的人可能知道我的兄弟Joel,他在Sterling银行作放贷员。他的办公室是在市中心的一个两层建筑内,俯瞰着繁荣的河滨大道。几周前,他看到一个妈妈鸭子选择了他窗户外的水泥篷上面作为它秘密地点,在人行道上面建立一个巢穴。
( E, G( I: d3 N7 @" [& A1 B( N- b4 C+ I6 w
) }8 ?0 Y8 t5 m( m: E
6 M* ~, X( d( @: ^2 z
7 _1 [) }& k& n' L8 v
+ T# H7 n3 x, b& H5 }2 {/ S
$ \9 M' R/ E0 [. m/ H2 ^

* f5 `- \5 ^$ M4 E) B. E0 i- C
, J# B: B0 F4 {* Q% l& g# _) cJoel worried all night how the mamma duck was going to get those babies safely off their perch in a busy, downtown, urban environment to take to water, which typically happens in the first 48 hours of a duck hatching. Tuesday morning, Joel came to work and watched the mother duck encourage her babies to the edge of the perch with the intent to show them how to jump off!
* H( }! L. g3 G2 N) sJoel整个晚上都在担心,在这个繁忙的市中心环境下,鸭子妈妈该如何安全地把她的孩子们带出巢穴,带到水边---这是鸭子在孵出后48个小时之内要作的事情。9 M2 P9 m" ]1 P3 C3 J: P
6 V$ B* Z8 Y2 k1 }% B( z
0 O) [4 W, A6 c8 i4 h6 M0 t, ]4 \* u" a5 B

3 u3 v% b/ ]; o- d6 T1 r3 O# c* d7 F0 ^

7 ^3 G9 \9 [* q, Q. {
8 U! T9 k, x& k. r. R. [& \; nThe mother flew down below and started quacking to her babies above.  In his disbelief Joel watched as the first fuzzy newborn toddled to the edge and astonishingly leapt into thin air and crashing onto the cement below.
: T+ U, ?1 }4 V6 h% Z& P% F! YMy brother couldn't watch how this might play out.  He dashed out of his office and ran down the stairs to the sidewalk where the first obedient duckling was stuporing near its mother from the near fatal fall.
. z6 T3 L" I' l) _妈妈鸭子飞到下面,开始对她的baby们呱呱叫。不敢相信自己的眼睛,Joel看到第一个毛绒绒的小鸭蹒跚到窝边,令人难以置信地,它跳到空中,跌落在下面的水泥地上。我兄弟不能够继续看下去,他冲出办公室,跑下楼梯,跑到人行道上。在那里,第一个听话的小鸭由于那几乎致命的跌倒,正昏迷在妈妈的身边& R8 ~4 {: f7 |! r- p

( v, z4 D2 m- P% O
/ Q, A0 m. ]3 z2 l' F& K: e& U+ S5 ?' e8 g
Joel looked up. The second duckling was getting ready to jump!  He quickly dodged under the awning while the mother duck quacked at him and the babies above.  As the second one took the plunge, Joel jumped forward and caught it with his bare hands before it hit the cement.  Safe and sound, he set it by the mamma and the other stunned sibling, still recovering from its painful leap.- B! i1 K, m3 X" ~
+ t4 z- }8 |+ J
Joel 往上面看,第二个小鸭正在准备往下跳!他在妈妈鸭子对他及上面的鸭子呱呱的叫声中,迅速地闪到篷沿下面。在第二只小鸭跳时,Joel跳前一步,在小鸭着地之前,用他的双手接住了小鸭,并把它安全地放在妈妈的身边---那里,第一个小鸭正在慢慢地恢复。
4 D' p9 r9 d* L; R( @' m& `! U1 [. E) u% \+ U
6 ~1 O+ D5 ?. d

. y4 M! x' X  U/ P/ v! ?8 v! B, L0 D
) t. V- ^) x  E# ]3 ~
One by one the babies continued to jump to join their anxious family below.  Each time Joel hid under the awning just to reach out in the nick of time as the duckling made its free fall. The downtown sidewalk came to a standstill.  Time after time, Joel was able to catch the remaining 8 and set them by their approving mother./ J/ o9 g5 `" @
% E: c7 Y, U- y* K: m0 j( M' q
, E; [/ [5 g2 ]5 `
8 f6 ~9 W) }/ K: k! P
/ y7 Y" g: j, }0 U& ?/ R7 s' K2 W- N7 f( B& |* x
- U2 j  k+ b% R) L! a( Z

6 S& z! U! Y! I7 L9 ~6 E) P9 `6 aAt this point Joel realized the duck family had only made part of its dangerous journey. They had 2 full blocks to walk across traffic, crosswalks, curbs, and pedestrians to get to the closest open water, the Spokane River.
9 o: N% D! C$ v) f7 E. `! y在这个时候,Joel 才意识到,鸭子家庭的危险之旅刚进行了一部分。。。它们还得走过两个街区,穿过来来往往的车辆、行人,走过人行通道,跨过路障,才能到达最近的户外水源---Spokane 河。
' s0 Q8 h- p- y( ^
6 Q% m1 e5 L" B( u# m7 o# C2 _" d" E2 W* S7 P

; s# J  }. q% d! \) d  n' Z- r3 \
, h" W8 H5 Q8 ]0 w0 `The onlooking office secretaries then joined in, and hurriedly brought an empty copy paper box to collect the
4 g/ f, L. N# Z: q% t2 P5 }/ Zbabies.  They carefully corralled them, with the mother's approval, and loaded them up into the white cardboard container.  Joel held the box low enough for the mom to see her brood.  He then slowly navigated through the downtown streets toward the Spokane River, as the mother waddled behind and kept her babies in sight.
2 H. ^; J9 G: k, n
! g+ \8 T+ [: N) s旁观的秘书们,这个时候参与了。她们赶紧找来一个空的复印纸盒子来装小鸭子。在鸭妈妈的默许下,她们小心地把小鸭们捧起,放进白硬纸板盒子了。Joel低低地拿着盒子,好让鸭妈妈能够看到她的孩子们;然后他慢慢地从市中心的街上往Spokane河边走,而鸭妈妈蹒跚地跟在后面,保持小鸭们在她的视线内。
2 V( P/ }# ]- t) i2 F) O, A5 p5 n: C4 {2 O! Y$ g1 j) n

( S: h  `9 D0 e; B
! Q' h9 R! {* c) ]
8 \; W/ T- Z2 p' e
, }0 t: I2 i$ w1 r7 ?
& h  \# X# p+ c$ @As they reached the river, the mother took over and passed him, jumping into the river and quacking loudly.  At the water's edge, the Sterling Bank office staff then tipped the box and helped shepherd the babies toward the water and to their mother after their adventurous ride.
$ `7 u2 e& p2 ]( K* [" z" m6 E7 _. r; D" [/ D% W' M
当他们到河边的时候,鸭妈妈快步前行,超过了Joel, 跳进河里,开始大声地呱呱叫。在水边,Sterling 银行职员们倾斜了盒子,帮助经过了一个非凡旅行的小鸭们到水里,到妈妈的身边。! o. a% u* J8 C% I0 P( ~
. G3 A9 ]$ a' w* W( [1 e
3 h, d% V( H6 u
8 d/ q: K3 G, P, S) Q
+ P8 a9 e$ ^' s# Q4 x& l

8 J8 I! B& b% w2 \+ p$ ~% e, z/ }& h$ z
All ten darling ducklings safely made it into the water and paddled up snugly to mamma duck.  Joel said the 5 h) V  r4 w% {
mom swam in circles, looking back toward the beaming bank workers, and proudly quacking as if to say,1 a; [1 z: G2 d8 J+ f& q: l

4 E0 z+ ^$ \; I1 m* @10个小鸭都安全地到了水里,紧紧地靠在妈妈鸭子身边划水。Joel说,鸭妈妈绕着圈游着,回视着喜悦的银行职工们,自豪地叫着,似乎在说:7 s: {8 z% t( R; E( n) u+ Q! Z

* g# c% D0 v* L; Q  X( y; r
0 f# a6 ]6 B3 `
' v( p$ u2 F) f: b, O; Y' ]! E " j5 U' q9 k3 K% ~" e- J& M0 ^, U1 U

8 o% U1 v/ S' y% I2 W'See, we did it! Thanks for all the help!' Z  ?+ E  U; T5 E9 _) i" K) Q
7 [; K6 Q# O# A* I5 U% ^
3 r% E* q. [- E! D+ S+ n6 v- d4 ^: K" n. E# U

' `% K2 H7 T& N- l4 l- @* v% K0 T; O
" G: [: i# h2 B9 B  x  e) W7 n
  l7 H+ p3 R1 g  E/ P% b. L
! d6 y$ g/ w0 W- m& _' S) u. y) o
6 C! b: a9 D- t9 g" R. _  G/ V8 u: C9 ^& k: F, f9 l

$ }5 g) l1 C& w+ z0 p, m# o$ S+ {* h  A, z2 e
5 I1 A% ~6 a5 z5 ~
# g$ F6 t# c* Z( Y& C" U3 G1 y
Thankfully, one of the secretaries had a digital camera and was able to capture most of it (except the
( q2 f: i! V/ v+ W" p: `3 s8 nactual mid-air catching) in a series of attached photographs.  Please join me in celebrating my brother--
) i% N9 \  @6 S/ AThe Downtown Duck Hero!! S2 ~' M& l2 ]4 P- O- j9 a( [
- h7 a& Q$ s5 d, n! Q
* b# U5 [) p( T7 ?7 W
! {5 O  J. T: d- U0 \# }1 [( @
1 c- o, n! l9 `- ]8 ~5 R& ?
- Z( |9 Q) i- r+ d
' @0 H9 c8 L% C% [0 ?注: 这个故事,是我的一个同事发给我的,看完很感动,为善良的人们,为慈爱的母亲。也为自己从前曾经吃过这样有灵性有爱心的动物而羞愧!
- _% }4 X: @- R. G$ b我匆匆地把这个故事翻译了一下,传给你们---我坚信你们和Joel一样善良,一样关爱生命。你们也一直是我所骄傲的朋友和家人。只是,希望你们在看到这个故事后,在想要吃烤鸭时,能够想到,鸭子也象人类一样,有母爱,有亲情。。。何忍伤她之子,或它之母?# m$ ~' e' R: C' H1 ]
9 ?5 m4 c5 M$ R( x: e3 C) C" }& I

9 J& v* `4 E) [[ 本帖最后由 绿菏 于 2008-8-8 17:30 编辑 ]
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