埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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For Sale

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发表于 2009-3-3 16:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3米 cable, $5
. f8 z8 P7 ~. nCharger for 2 AA batteries, $3
  o9 F- Z$ Z5 y' c7 J) Z3 _& E3 R三脚架 (for camera and camcorder), $8
' e% G& |5 c; d, ?3 |8米网线, $6   
# `/ n' [: _, W' N; \5 I& R- ^) |8 sExide Mega Boost (100% copper), for car, $15, new
9 @. N3 ?. j+ T1 D$ D" VWindow shield cover for car, $3/ L- y" K. ]$ S* D; C# {$ |) s4 B6 R
音响, 5 disc changer with radio and recorder, $65 with original box, original price $160   
) Q7 c2 S  @2 g         plus tax$ x2 _6 L. N. h, F
Web Camera, $20, brand new
4 i; W. U" E% K+ |+ _" f! OAnother Web Camera, $8
7 x+ ~5 s8 m; H拐杖 (a pair), $15
8 g) M$ Z8 @& u0 `4 m4 @, {% c网球拍 $4% Y* [/ S' o/ S% T0 F7 u/ s7 v
Two telephones, $6 each$ q& I+ F6 A- I9 V$ C- P0 ~

: k/ i( b2 k0 |Call 432-9476 if interested.
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