埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Edmonton Entertainment Coupon Book

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发表于 2005-7-22 20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Current price: $10 US + shipping ($5 US).5 g3 _8 o8 c  x" c" @! }) q
Regular price: $32 US + shipping
1 c; Y6 z6 g; ~& _0 q" A) C/ k' V
* U# N: G/ s! O6 lwebsite: www.entertainment.com0 `+ L8 a% x: ~- X6 @& z' j! w
" R6 d2 v' U" y+ ~/ D/ J! G4 D  M
You can find the detailed information of these coupons from their website. There are hundreds of coupons which can be used in Edmonton and many other places. I bought the book for this year and last year, and I personally think it is well worth the cost. Typically using a few coupons can earn your fee back.
9 U# B4 m% l# W
- E- M3 t7 x5 L7 @2 b& Q) X$ hYou can also subscribe their online service which will charge you monthly fee. There is a 10-day free trial period. So risk free (but you need to provide your credit card information first).+ m/ l* B9 v* W% Q9 I
. e8 C. O. t' O, i+ V
There is another free trial which you can use to print up to 3 coupons, and you only need to provide an email address, but the coupons listed there are limited: http://www.entertainment.com/freetrial/
8 F- c2 K& y; H0 v4 R
" q( o! O& z+ r5 s6 zEnjoy!. b) k6 X9 J' J/ v& |' D( v0 {

; N8 J* H. s1 pCopyright disclaimer:
+ \( i- p9 V- ^You are welcome to post it in other forums as long as the source is clearly stated.
) x5 G, c  r& M( \* f8 x2 f% SAll copyright reserved by antelope from edmontonchina.com.
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