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发表于 2010-3-12 06:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Seven years ago I was asked by a friend if I was "religious and if I believed in God?" As a (formerly) practicing agnostic I quickly answered:"no." However, I defended myself by explaining that I lived my life according to universal principals of "right and wrong" (as I understood them). Because I believed that our deeds create a lasting effect on the world, I felt confident in my everlasting future. In other words, I wasn't worried about there being a heaven or not. I told my friend that when I die, I am banking on knowing that my impact on the world will be ever lasting. My "heaven" will ultimately be the creation of the the sum total of all my actions.
3 n7 r( H- F+ v% k9 N; W 8 K, P, h2 M  m4 a
I will never forget my friend's response: he looked at me with glassy eyes, and told me how deeply spiritual I was. I didn't see it. It took five more years to see what he meant. Such was the inspiration of the following poem I wrote.: `' j; l# ]/ G7 c  W3 N
1 n# ~7 g) d- T5 E5 v8 p4 T
Heaven. t! }/ j, J5 `$ ]
The pebble is worn smooth 2 T" K/ h) D2 j" G; w
Made small over time% k/ f* E$ C# [( I6 z- ~' F+ N
A product of a cataclysmic force of nature
' e5 B1 T' w8 ^, b A fragment of mountainous sheets of rock5 E3 d* ^5 `' _: ?
An accidental offspring of a boulder 9 u6 }: G0 |  O/ l/ J5 S
But just a very small stone.
0 u& p6 L) y3 I5 n! F/ @- ? 1 P" s* D! m  w7 o
The pebble's place in our world 2 w6 A# Y3 a9 M5 @
Is neither understood nor appreciated+ C4 L6 |; W6 A, z0 o% Y0 h
But when thrown into a glassy calm pond
) D6 s- a0 ]: n. p6 P Its insignificance is transformed
2 F: G6 P3 h) ?0 R& w Its meaning and purpose is unleashed.
' {6 f& ?% C' a: D7 p
& {# p  B) z. N6 ^1 D" h. J( g5 z The instant the pebble kisses the pond1 ^4 j9 E4 q- w. k+ ^
Its signature of concentric ripples
+ [  Z" c  t2 _- c" f: M( M! s: x$ ^ Spiral outwards ( o2 H" W2 t8 n% ^- e3 Z
Moving far beyond itself.$ ]+ H* \" j* L
Gently affecting everything in its wake
9 y' X9 x; x% H, N- Z  L Forever altering the smooth placid surface.8 M" e, u, S: ^  s

, a$ ~3 {: W; c! Y2 d The pebble creates its worth and meaning 0 N" G5 ?7 ]' T2 P
By unleashing its unimagined power? * ?0 Z1 c! }* A' u+ B" ]4 h
Into a dueling force of action and reaction
9 S% S0 r/ [, ~' d- M- ` Creating karmic energy: ?% Q6 u% c7 z, e; i4 L/ k
Producing lasting and fluid impressions.
( v5 V8 j% R& u) `
7 r- w% m+ Z8 B7 i Aren't we all pebbles?
- T1 G/ ~# O5 g0 w  k) ~ Feeling small and insignificant$ Z2 P- \9 R0 P% P3 A
But ultimately recognizing 9 q8 ~7 m6 ?& Q5 M" q3 E
That who we are meant to be
+ v" B5 _  r; P' G5 ^ Can never be measured in isolation; L7 _" W1 A- i* G7 n
on a path into ourselves.
% S1 H  |! g% [2 r) ~+ x% e9 d 3 {$ `* z5 j7 h! {
It is true then:
  d9 x6 d/ _6 C9 } Our everlasting future
7 k/ e1 r& J5 r2 q Is created by the indiscriminate tossing of pebbles
+ F2 E6 i5 P7 r9 n* R7 p4 K6 G3 x Into the pond of life
% S9 U* y2 q/ k: N/ Z5 V: N Creating ripples : y& p/ a' k  s: T, C! J- ~
that leave unique mark on our world
9 k4 v  Z) D) N Not because of thoughts ) W! C8 q2 E, T7 g
not because of well meaning plans
5 z. ?$ R1 J: r" z2 F7 ]- P/ ~ But because of actions.
4 W3 O' g9 P$ i) C" t6 H. L
% L7 R" q- u' i Our life's prayers our answered2 r& V* o  ]: u/ i% W  {
Because even the smallest pebble
# D3 J# t) O0 H: x4 \ No matter how seemingly insignificant/ x; c, e5 N6 O) v' Z! F  L
Changes the course of the lives3 k1 h/ ]& g5 ^# @% }8 [. A3 G
Of those we touch.? , E; ^/ f8 V( K$ j# n& @% p
2 q! \* I9 s5 Z: p
And when the icy winds of death
/ c& @$ \2 r2 w$ K beckon our lasting attention
$ Q. ~8 @" F# F, L We will gently leave this life
/ i4 Y" P+ T- ^' i) P With the knowledge that
/ z0 y+ L+ {9 P$ y! I8 v- f2 g because of that one pebble 6 N+ H) }) E* |- G) [6 k7 U1 |5 w
The world will never be the same.5 G6 K) O4 c' i5 h3 m) z; B
; ~. G* f9 Z1 }
And then we have heaven …, |# q1 w4 o: y9 }7 l8 F, v8 P
/ x+ d8 A' e- P( q5 _
Ross Rosenberg2 t. v( Q4 t) x3 a' S
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