埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-10-21 15:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源 - The Edmonton Journal, 2005年10月21日2 Q( t& T2 `6 s( J

; @$ h4 X6 c. [; `! \从ALBERTA两所中央小学采集的井水水样经检测合格,不含潜在致病细菌。
  Y* ~. j" ]) n! P: F$ D  |8 {* L7 R
“没有在任何水样本中发现大肠杆菌及类大肠杆菌,相关的预防性措施可以在校方认为合适的任何时候解除。” David Thompson Health Region 的公共健康负责人 Doug Richen 周四宣布。.( k; Y% s' _5 ^8 i

# a' S9 ~! |0 G8 ]. P7 u( i( x) @" C本月早些时候在 距Edmonton西南160公里的 Alder Flats school采集的井水经检测还有 2000年在安省的Walkerton致死七人的细菌家族的 E. 大肠杆菌。此外,在Pigeon湖 南边Westerose 的Lakedell school进行的类似检验表明水中含有类大肠杆菌。' p8 |$ Z0 }, b9 b9 h. t) X
  p4 d& ]( U1 k; N) v# b! y" g
: O* @8 T) l5 U. Q
' A4 `2 K9 D6 ^( p; ]此前Alder Flats的水源污染被怀疑是采样错误所导致。而在Lakedell的问题则被怀疑是由于存储水样的容器密封不严。Wetaskiwin 地区公共学校管理委员会的负责人Terry Pearson 今天将会晤健康部门官员。
  c& q! l8 L: [7 _
! H6 \1 g# N: M3 E& aEDMONTON - New water samples taken at two central Alberta elementary schools show their wells to be free of potentially harmful bacteria.
7 v, J3 T5 B3 r) g2 f
6 E0 n) B/ ^5 a, d; l# B"No E. coli or coliform was found in any of the samples and precautionary measures can be lifted at any time the school board deems to be appropriate," Doug Richen, manager of environmental public health for the David Thompson Health Region, said Thursday.1 P+ A2 M* k3 e7 |6 l, w- w/ v

! \" r8 b$ Q# d0 Z4 U8 [0 n8 U" WTests of well water earlier this month at the Alder Flats school, about 160 kilometres southwest of Edmonton, revealed the presence of E. coli bacteria, the family of bacteria that killed seven people in Walkerton, Ont., in 2000. Similar tests taken at Lakedell school, in Westerose south of Pigeon Lake, indicated the presence of coliform bacteria.) a' v5 n' ?7 V
( M# K, ~( a2 L/ s
The wells at both schools have undergone a disinfection process. Children and staff had been advised to drink bottled water and use hand sanitizers. There were no confirmed cases of illness.
) M7 k" Q; D6 l! @9 V/ S& A
" [: z/ T% G* s) d! u3 ~: jThe contamination was suspected to be the result of a sampling error at Alder Flats. An improperly covered storage container was suspected as the problem at Lakedell. Terry Pearson, superintendent of the Wetaskiwin regional public school board, is to meet today with health officials.5 w* o9 P% E, {" t# T
6 `; _6 m: D6 t) G( d' x
© The Edmonton Journal 2005
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-21 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
小学井水水源合格,无有害细菌0 \% {- g, x' Z# n1 ?8 P6 [

$ T  @, {7 A6 U6 E) [  r2 }8 F资料来源 - The Edmonton Journal, 2005年10月21日
' Z0 {0 Z7 n" e" ]. J9 t$ J4 i- q$ Y
从ALBERTA两所中央小学采集的井水水样经检测合格,不含潜在致病细菌。( x6 Y) v1 n7 E: b  ^& m* `3 s, W
# N7 I% z/ H/ O0 `! r/ Z5 C3 V
“没有在任何水样本中发现大肠杆菌及类大肠杆菌,相关的预防性措施可以在校方认为合适的任何时候解除。” David Thompson Health Region 的公共健康负责人 Doug Richen 周四宣布。.) J  P9 Q; B0 U& ]
3 Z2 M8 Y) }! c8 F8 S
本月早些时候在 距Edmonton西南160公里的 Alder Flats school采集的井水经检测还有 2000年在安省的Walkerton致死七人的细菌家族的 E. 大肠杆菌。此外,在Pigeon湖 南边Westerose 的Lakedell school进行的类似检验表明水中含有类大肠杆菌。1 V  Z8 V# E4 T4 K' M' J* v

* G+ W- X% R) N2 l两所学校的井水此后都经过了消毒处理。学生及校方员工被建议饮用瓶装水并使用杀菌剂洗手。并未有证实的相关的致病案例。
6 m4 ~( n) @" k8 s8 o 0 o/ S6 H- f& j7 J( Z2 y3 E. s
此前Alder Flats的水源污染被怀疑是采样错误所导致。而在Lakedell的问题则被怀疑是由于存储水样的容器密封不严。Wetaskiwin 地区公共学校管理委员会的负责人Terry Pearson 今天将会晤健康部门官员。
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