埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[加国新闻] 转账时提了一下叙利亚 加拿大报纸被Paypal封号

鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-2-12 04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:牧涛) T! A1 f' ^, Q+ J  i' Q

' O! R* R8 p! C9 d/ F$ |8 p加拿大的一家社区报纸组织了一次“叙利亚难民适应新生活”的征文比赛,并通过Paypal支付奖金,仅因为附录中提到了“叙利亚”,竟被Paypal冻结了他们的账号,而原因是“你们可能在做美国政府所禁止的交易”。
6 l1 u5 _1 `" m4 f( e  @" ^This March 10, 2015, file photo, shows signage outside PayPal's headquarters in San Jose, Calif. The Flin Flon Reminder says its Paypal account was frozen temporarily after it paid to submit a news story about Syrian refugees in the northern Manitoba community for an award.
* Q( B4 W- P0 e# ?' A据本地英文媒体CBC报道,在上个月,曼省省会温尼伯的社区报纸News Media Canada举办了一个征文比赛,主题是叙利亚难民家庭来到加拿大后的新生活。
, |; G$ I3 B, L, M活动进行地很顺利,很快就评出了最令人感动的征文。可是,当报社员工准备通过给Paypal获奖者242.95元的奖金时,却发生了令人意想不到的事情。! b& w6 D& ^$ f3 {' b
5 q0 d4 I: D3 Q, o; O72小时过去了,Paypal并没有来检查,而是将奖金还给了报社。几天之后,他们更是冻结了报社的账号。
# O8 s, w  h6 T% i1 y( VPaypal在给报社的电邮里写道:“你们可能在做些美国政府禁止的交易。我们想了解一下你们的公司,和最近付过的钱的记录”。) ]3 z* s' A5 T, b/ X( |
报社的CEO希德斯(John Hinds)接到这封邮件,觉得不可思议,征文比赛又怎么被美国政府禁止了。他们想继续要说法,Paypal却不理会了。没办法,只好将事情捅给了CBC。
5 u9 m1 E3 |0 Z0 A( DCBC介入之后,Paypal立刻解封了报社的账户,同时发来了一封解释邮件。
* w" B+ H, x: D; g( {. U, tPaypal是这么解释的:你们在转账附录里提到了“叙利亚”,所以我们要检查一下内容。" l9 d2 Y9 P( a7 j- s0 h( {8 L2 w
: e, \- D' d# m" h# l) DCBC试图询问Paypal,他们是怎么审查转账的,但是对方拒绝回应。4 m0 S" _& o' j6 \( {1 O- k9 ?. ~/ |6 E
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-2-12 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
Common sense is that Paypal is a tool for transferring funds, and charge the clients. But recipients are somone from Syria, not holding Canadian passports yet. No commercial company wish to be involved in such thing during this time for such controversial transaction.  Why not they just issue a check?  Issue a bank draft?  Every business account has a business check. A lot of Canadian media are very much to the left.
* |" V# y6 d' o6 ?& m# e  u- X! Y, Z" ^- @; M  W* a& J" ^# N" T
Why don't they hold a contest to see how the aboriginal children do their schooling in the rundown area in Winnipeg?
鲜花(219) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-2-12 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(122) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-2-12 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
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