埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2017-11-20 12:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
埃德蒙顿艺术体操2017冬季表演会将于十二月八日举行, 热烈欢迎您的光临!
9 G  P% {6 ~# {! y4 w. W% s0 PEdmonton Rhythmic Gymnastics Winter Show invites you to come and enjoy!
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0 n) [& q0 z$ Y6 ]- G  ?- N时间: 2017年十二月八日 下午 5:30pm – 6:30pm (Friday, December 8, 2017)
" x5 g' v5 O+ R5 H
8 N/ W( L3 M4 Q7 O& M地点: Kinsmen Sports Centre, 9100 Walterdale Hill NW, Edmonton( P8 L8 l: Z' X
6 X4 O% o7 l/ G4 r- w* }# b: ^
票价: 成人 5元/人, 17岁以下儿童免费 Adult $5, Children under 17 free. : {# [+ b3 ^7 N
              可于入场时购票. 部分门票将捐献给圣诞慈善机构(A portion of it will be donated to Christmas Charity)
+ ~; e' K3 X) [! w  R) ?9 B+ h  ]* B+ K
表演内容:业余组5-12岁孩子表演小组团体操;表演组表演小组团体操;专业组国家级和省级运动员的个人比赛节目,和小组操。(there are children 5-12 years old showcase their recreation level routines; performance group showcases their routines, and competitive national level and provincial level girls perform their competition routines and group routines)
( `! i( k+ o* L: J' _! p2 V" c) [, l' _8 W2 I
网页:edmontonrhythmics.com# w7 l, S3 \3 [  ?: x' G
) r& {) I! \8 J+ ^  z' y
Phone: 780-460-8709 # ^4 M% v- R2 s( H4 D" c

  h! Y' i: S3 S8 J
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