埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[爱城新闻] 今日中午爱城牛年庆新岁大型云联欢会开幕

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2021-2-12 08:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2021-2-12 08:56 编辑 ( l- p8 |# j; R( m: E; a% {/ U

  x# A5 B, R" c# C7 {: d今年点问顿中华文化中心打破传统, 将以往于西点商场举行的年宵花市庆祝活动移至网上平台举行。届时将为大家呈现丰富的内容,包括农历新年的相关习俗,来自加拿大联邦,省 ,市三级政府及卡城中国总领馆,爱城华人社团对华人的新春祝福,牛年运程, 以及其他精彩缤纷的文艺节目。本次活动还设有幸运大抽奖, 大家在观看节目的同时只需通过扫一下屏幕上出现的二维码头(QR CODE)即可参加幸运抽奖, 丰富奖品等你来抢!3 D  h. N( m1 E5 m

! R5 O5 I4 I& q4 C. ^3 b一等奖:价值$900 苹果微型电脑一台(iMac Mini). 大年初一, 来试一试你的运气!  R# _5 B, f8 X- V; X" J
6 p! z0 a& ?5 g. M  z( ?0 ^, u1 J6 f
大家可透過點擊下面的链接,於2月12日中午12時進入網站收看 2 ^, `( s+ X9 F$ |! Q* S

$ f1 J/ T* z7 P" p# ]. ghttps://ecmccedmonton.org/lunar-new-year-extravaganza-2-2/3 3 M( n$ F; |! p: j, g
5 I* e7 C/ q" w8 E6 ?+ D9 d( p
大家亦可透過點擊和扫描下面的二維碼,於 2月12日中午12時進入網站收看 。此二維碼亦適用於12日中午十二時後的任何時間收看。
; O1 _2 I7 ?& |, ^7 d9 z+ ?  N6 O1 w1 L& m
The Lunar New Year Extravaganza 2021 is going virtual this year! You will see on our online platform the Chinese New Year greetings and messages from municipal , provincial, and  federal government officials, as well as greetings from Chinese consulate Calgary and Chinese organizations and associations.  You can also watch a wide variety of amazing entertainment performances online. While enjoying  the festival performances, you can scan the QR Code on the screen to enter a prize draw.  Many prizes are waiting YOU!  3 Z& w9 b* }4 m  `8 z+ D4 G# `
1 J5 L% _" F+ I* c! h7 Q' {# H, r
Top prize : $900 iMac Mini. Come and try your luck, you might win this beautiful Mini Apple computer!
2 ]* t, C( A2 V8 J0 o% d' I2 @6 v0 }3 v! c9 M6 V7 i  o; |# B% `5 _8 H
The Lunar New Year Extravaganza 2021 will start online at 12 noon on February 12, 2021, the performances can be watched on our website afterwards at any time9 [+ o+ a) T. y8 n
  t" H. {" R: |: \% F& b1 `
To access Edmonton Chinatown Multi - Cultural Centre website, please click the link below:
. c' z( R% u0 ], K
+ c. |! R1 b7 m+ U5 m) {, @https://ecmccedmonton.org/lunar-new-year-extravaganza-2-2/
; c/ z) R& k+ A% v9 i- J0 ?- x1 v- u* \/ r/ Y1 F
You can also scan the following QR Code to watch the show.
& q3 f' H- w# m! c
" C& X; Z% l( r& P, d0 x. o
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2021-2-12 09:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2021-2-12 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
可惜,主持人不说普通话.不 懂奥语人还是不少的.现在国内都在推扩普通话啊
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2021-2-13 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
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