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FLY Summer Program - youth finance education

鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2022-6-6 18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$20 for 5 hour-long lessons over the course of a week!
& c4 w! N4 m0 N9 N# x9 F/ E- |$ k  t. K
July 4-8, Aug 8-12. 5-6 MST. Hosted on zoom every day.$ h6 @5 Z, B& V. g: K
( e2 z  V% _& ~2 X: C' ]; U
Topics covered:
) H0 {  U' f5 r5 T8 i" bBanking, credit cards and loans, saving for retirement and budgeting, investing, scholarships and education.
( {9 f% \8 D, E' `7 @Includes prizes and seminars on finance by highly qualified guest speakers.: y' J7 V2 a! t$ J- I+ x  v) |
0 Z' T0 W2 u  V3 a
Our proceeds will go toward operating costs, and the rest will be donated to a charity of our student's choices!
3 C4 o2 c3 w4 U* b. c+ S9 u
% Z" c6 i* a/ AOur website: https://www.fly-financial-literacy.org/. V" ], y7 b& W, W8 ~3 U
7 Y- s* o9 u+ L! M' v6 |6 f
E-transfer $20 to kylexie@htomail.com for registration" c2 R" C& Y/ `% `3 P8 {

3 `! ~) z' X0 s9 qemail us: flysummerprogram@gmail.com% U1 k- ^. C0 k: J8 E6 M* x
/ r! [3 n0 t/ r; I, `
call:  825-436-8502
8 \  B0 {5 l( m) C% N: h) A' @9 B! g$ A, _5 `+ a
Thank you for viewing our website!
2 a8 V$ A5 K5 c, B/ B+ i
& N0 L/ }. e; @9 J! l- W+ a, Z@2022 FLY summer program
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