埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Critically-injured child dies(重伤男孩不治身亡)

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-27 12:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A 13-month-old Edmonton toddler died Saturday morning in a local hospital, two days after being admitted in critical condition. Homicide detectives charged a 44-year-old man with second-degree murder in the little boy’s death.
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The baby was brought to the hospital at 10 a.m. Thursday with serious injuries. Hospital staff alerted police and social services to his life-threatening condition. ; H# J5 f. }2 E" `/ u5 k

7 B+ n! C4 Y& zThe boy died shortly after 11:30 a.m. on Saturday.4 ~! m  Y( p) w8 R' N
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The name of the accused and the victim can not be released due to a provision of the Child Youth Family Enhancement Act, which prevents release of any details identifying the child, their siblings or their guardians.
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The accused man will appear in court on Monday. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday afternoon. * N0 {4 W. M6 S4 P! C, ]. ~  Y, }! I! L
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一名13个月大刚开始学步的幼儿于星期六早晨在爱民顿当地一家医院里死亡,这名男性幼儿是在2天前被医院方面承认病危的。警方谋杀探员指控一位44岁男性二级谋杀对男孩的死负责。. b4 }6 @/ h) q; B, G/ I. a: t7 v

4 @! j. x; {- J+ ~1 A) y! a这个幼儿是在星期四早上10点被送入医院,当时情况就很危险,孩子浑身受伤。医院工作人员通知了警方和社会福利机构。
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根据加拿大孩子、青少年家庭补充法案的规定,不能透露任何关于孩子、兄弟姐妹以及监护人的资料,因此警方没有透露被指控男性的姓名。( A6 k7 h* @0 d$ q) Y

9 \- H/ {- n  {8 x: }; D被指控的男性将于下周一出庭。尸体解剖将在下周一下午进行。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-29 20:22 | 显示全部楼层
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