埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-14 22:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CSSA春节联欢电影晚会7 X1 |. W- v& k( z

1 u! [1 w3 m8 c3 cTime: 下午2点开始, 本周六,2月17日: ~" d' p7 A' b" S/ d
三场NEW RELEASE 电影! ^! L/ z  G  b/ P2 F
-        喜剧片
. x, f) Y. S! o1 Z, ~. M. k$ ]- `-        恐怖片( M$ ~9 N5 @7 l5 f6 J+ C8 O
-        动作片
* f7 d/ Y7 r/ P* d0 D* k提供:晚饭和零时。
2 l8 b5 D- r5 H( A+ D+ O2 B; r7 ^' z晚饭:饺子, 每人一盒,每盒25~30个
8 d4 s4 |, T( i4 o; {零食:爆米花, 巧克力, 薯条
; R& v# V$ Y) t饮料:可乐, 雪碧, 等。
" C2 p# A- }& d6 U9 w% R; P4 w* dCost:CSSA 会员 – 免费
9 w: u0 R3 Q1 i9 {& s8 G8 x              非会员 – $5! |; h0 i! B+ w0 D9 x( J/ Z
地点:U of A, Education 129
! w- }/ l5 p- U4 s9 u( l5 ehttp://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/index.cfm?campus=1§or=5&feature=654 {1 B, L# x2 O7 x" V5 Z) y' x
8 O  ]& k; s; U4 P2 c, x) l
设备:超大屏幕, 两个专业音响3 [  V9 d# x9 x: X3 C$ A! T5 D) r
Please RSVP by replying this e-mail for reservation so we’ll know how  * ^0 j  p* f, P: |* ~
many dumplings to order before the event.; Z/ ~1 W: W, @  n
  s+ D, K  M0 N. O
CSSA Chinese New Year Movie Party6 b8 e  G9 p5 B4 T( M) S$ w

$ x( K( d( m+ U+ @- ~Time: 2pm, Saturday, February 17, 2007
8 F4 ]! U9 g' \3 NEW RELEASE movies
+ h+ l) v/ G7 u) K( P- Comedy" s5 Y, u, B$ }7 q6 R0 D$ m
- Horror Movie. L, ~" k' p$ S' X$ H
- Action Movie' z1 H6 `: d" H  [( b
Provide: Dinner and Snack
" d' r; X5 N' }7 r2 q' L( [Dinner: Dumplings, one box per person, 25~30 dumplings per box
' `' ^/ J6 ?* S( R& {# ]+ ~( ZSnack: Popcorn, Chocolate, Curly French Fries( U5 \4 T) S3 T# s- ^
Drinks: Coke, Spirits, etc.
  S) Z: K5 @5 k8 `Cost: FREE for CSSA member. Y5 A. _# A9 C& n5 ~- P' W4 }" _
         $5 for non-members: z; a' Z5 N4 `4 T$ h8 g
Location: U of A, Education 129
, o& K  k3 ^/ ?1 v8 `) J) ]3 @; Thttp://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/index.cfm?campus=1§or=5&feature=65
; P2 ]  H  }) n1 h; p: g& G( l: O6 _& l+ y9 K7 {7 H" i
Equipment: Big Screen, two professional heavy speakers- w9 m7 }( t3 r6 s; I1 O
Please RSVP by replying this e-mail for reservation so we’ll know how  8 i, O& }0 k; i" W3 _6 L
many dumplings to order before the event.# B* Y! M7 T* b4 D& l
& I1 i: D9 F# Q' u
Best Regards,' D5 g# @* L* F6 b  {+ w
% {( s. d! r3 j) s3 [
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-14 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
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