埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-1-26 21:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- f& w, U% H; Q7 v地址:市中心1 N6 u4 G$ O3 O. l2 A3 f$ H( P3 e
联系人: 老杨团队 鄢海军 (780-937-9648)4 R- W2 W2 A6 W( X  r

% R5 A- H1 t5 K) ^梦想拥有一家温馨悠然又人气火爆的咖啡店? 机会来敲门了!
4 \; v* S5 |( a9 Z7 k$ R% }
6 x1 I2 \' c! g. J; J6 a! ]) K著名全国品牌特许加盟咖啡店俏立于市中心之心——Ice Districe一栋高层写字楼的主层! 坐拥近1700平尺空间,40个座位,是整栋楼中唯一一家咖啡馆/小餐馆。午餐时间和茶歇期间人流不息,队如长龙。
# c5 ~- Q8 t/ @2 [
) D: v" n; w! C3 ?店内提供特色咖啡、茶、饮料和各色糕点(玛芬、饼干、面包、蛋糕等),还有沙拉,汤和三明治等实惠简便的午餐选择。6 X. c& e5 h9 Q0 {8 o7 e5 J# V

" Z- L+ B. p$ Z; i坚实客户群,稳健营业额,你和你的梦想只有一把钥匙的距离!( A3 s$ N/ d5 O3 w, f# F
1 \5 r, ~: g# ~
Great opportunity to be your own boss! National franchise café business located on main level of a high-rise office building in ice district downtown – The only cafe/eatery in the building with high traffic and long lineup during lunch hour and coffee break. Nearly 1,700 sqft with 40 seats. Menu include specialty coffee, tea & beverages, fresh bakery like muffins, cookies, breads and cakes etc. as well as lunch menus like salads, soups and sandwiches. Turnkey business with very stable & established client base and steady sales. " X( Q, {9 J8 t1 k- ^
3 X: R( o$ a1 \. ?3 L

) G8 q' D8 L: p+ {& o- D% d" M2 ?5 s3 ?1 W  k$ J- {; ]
. m( A" N% R* e3 g

9 X; k7 n" j: |, C. H  C
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6 Z9 z/ s: F# x3 ]2 J. }7 `8 s; y/ E3 P4 }

% ]: n5 I9 t) a9 e1 l0 J( C. Y2 r5 c6 i2 O
& d  A( d0 @8 @& T8 A
+ S5 U4 T$ m( @8 A5 M' l$ v6 w7 e3 O9 v
+ g. {; L; g  }' A6 F
  Q% B  Q$ P% E3 [/ A) k% g* U
9 C' }% k. [. d9 R" s
8 g8 `0 e" ?, d: ~. `/ z( G/ A! b
0 T% m' y- [0 J9 _% x+ h
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